Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"I Don't Understand"

image from "The Local"
The other day I was amusing the kids with my best "Muppet" impersonations, when my daughter admitted that she "didn't understand" what I was saying when speaking (or rather singing) as the Swedish Chef. Ironically, that's the entire point of the Swedish Chef. We watch with bated breath as the silly chef adds ingredients, mixes and chops and simmers, and wait until the (inevitably) live animal bleats, moos or pops out of the pot. It's what we know, it's what we expect, and it's funny.

My daughter later asked me if any other Muppet characters had their own language. I hadn't really thought about it, but Beaker (gosh, I love him) and Animal both have their own way of speaking too. Though we can't understand most of what the Chef, Beaker and Animal are SAYING we surely understand their intent. I guess language isn't that big of a barrrier after all.

Monday, November 19, 2012

I Missed Out on Book Lover's Day

photo by: imagerymajestic
Man Oh Man. I missed out on the opportunity to try and celebrate something near and dear to my heart- READING. 

This year "Book Lover's Day" was celebrated on November 3rd, although it is normally the first Saturday in November. I'd like to think I could have finagled my husband into (finally) getting me an e-reader in honor of the day (okay, that's definitely something that would not happen), but perhaps I could have at least made an unexpected trip to the library or buy a book for myself instead of the kiddos. 

I guess that teaches me to look at the calendar more closely and mark what's most important in my life, like the upcoming National Cashew Day on November 23rd.

Resource: Holiday Insights